Kronoloji / Chronology

Kronoloji / Chronology



Direction Ali Aydin
Re-recording mixer Adrian Baumeister
Sound effects editor Simeon Pabst
Starring  Birkan Sokullu, Cemre Ebuzziya, Tansu Biçer

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© Tamtam Film

© Tamtam Film

Having received the diagnosis that she can never give birth to a child, Hakan’s wife Nihal suddenly disappears. As Hakan is desperately searching for her, things start to get blurry…

Turkish director Ali Aydin is telling CHRONOLOGY in a consequent, almost completely music-less 120min epos, using a highly innovative, exciting narrative structure.

No need to say that developing the sound design, building & recording telling surround atmospheres, editing most of the sound effects as well as recording the visceral Foley was a real pleasure. Can’t wait to watch it in cinema!

이스탄불에 사는 하칸과 니할은 결혼한 지 몇 년이 지났다. 시간이 갈수록 니할은 아이를 원하지만 임신이 잘 되지 않는다. 각종 난임 치료도 소용이 없던 어느 날 니할이 자신이 결코 아이를 가질 수 없을 것이라는 사실을 깨닫게 되면서 그들의 삶에 변화가 일어난다. 하칸은 동료와 점심...